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What We Do

View the main topics pages for web design, brand identity, web hosting and training.View how we have brought business development and sales solutions to the table for clients since 1992. How can we help your company achieve the integrated communications results
you need ?

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Marketing Mix Management

Simply put, marketing mix involves the selection of multiple marketing communications channels to convey your business messages, and requires you to:

  1. Identify Your Audience or Vertical Market
  2. Allocate "Marketing Mix" Resources
  3. Implement Plan

The goal is to use both active and passive mechanisms to reinforce the "impression rate", (or number of times that your audience perceives that it remembers), your corporate communications message to your target audience, leading to increased revenues. Click here for a complete "Business Development Checklist" that will give you ideas for each of these disciplines.

To be truly successful, all areas of the Marketing Mix need to be pre-planned and then executed in a timely and disciplined fashion.

The World Wide Web, properly handled, can identify and address both in a passive and active mode, both current and future clients to create a business development web site.

business development web site

Web Design



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Contact us for your web design and SEO needs